Welcome to the Naval yard

No navy here, sorry. Just a bored person. No nukes either, the page title is a lie. Sorry :3

It is currently a time for you, dear user.

You stumble across a curious site...

I'm ["Navis", "Navi", "navi304", "NotNavis", "Naval"]. A pan, too. I go between doing two things - programming random things and gaming. The former, mainly in Python and JS. The latter... here's a small list.

also, I'm notoriously bad at describing myself qwq

What's a good website design? Never heard of it. Clean code? What's that? Websites that work properly on mobile? What's a mobile?

I know this is just an excuse for me being lazy, and I'm sorry about that. Feel free to call it crap, please.

Too many <sub></sub>s? I know. I'll just add more :3

find coordinates More to be seen. If I don't forget. I'm not procrastinating, I swear.